Is it worth detailing my car myself?


Is it worth detailing my car myself?

Detail your car like a pro or leave it to the professionals? Decisions, decisions. The sky is the limit if you choose to detail your car. The question is how far you go if you do it yourself or is it more effort than its worth and it’s something that’s best left to the professionals. 

If you like getting your hands dirty, then go ahead. Detailing your car sounds like a great option. Of course, going to a professional is the more logical option, but you could get the same results for a fraction of the cost by doing all the hard graft yourself. 

A keen eye for detail 

Detailing your car, yourself is worth it to save a few pounds if you know how to. If you know how to take care of every scratch, rust, scrape etc then why not give it a go yourself. Why pay someone to get rid of those unwanted odours when you can do it yourself and still be shocked by the end of it that you’ve done a cracking job. 

By the time you’ve finished detailing, you should have a near-to brand new exterior without any unwanted bits of tat getting in your way. Breathe cleaner, see clearer. 

Steps of detailing your car

Car detailing is a complex process, we’re not going to lie to you. If you’re committed and you’ve got the experience and knowledge, then you’ll smash it. 

You’ll be pleased to know that there are no set rules that you need to follow to achieve your desired results. Of course, when you’re just starting out, you might not have a clue about what products to use and methods to apply, but that’s what the internet is for. 

You get out what you put in

If you want results, then you’re going to have to put in the time and effort. Fact. Results when working with aesthetics on your car don’t come easily. We hate to be the bearer of bad news but it’s true. If you really put your mind to it, without a doubt you could definitely achieve the same results that a professional would if you had the right products. 

Professionals have their products at the ready and they know exactly what they’re using and what for. Finding the right products within your budget can be tricky, but that’s not to say that it’s impossible. It’s places like your local car shops that will sell cracking bundles of car washing gear to get you up and running.

It might be comforting for you to hire a top-notch detailing professional to do the work that you need for your car, and it will also save you having to hunt down the products you need too. But ask yourself this: would you be happy and as satisfied with the results compared to if you did it yourself? Probably not. There’s just something about doing the leg work yourself that gives you that buzz. It might be hectic making the decision about products and equipment, but that’s all part of the fun, right?

Storage can be tricky, but that doesn’t mean to say it’s impossible. You know that if you search hard enough you are bound to find some storage for all your detailing supplies. Anywhere out of the way and won’t annoy you sounds like a good idea. In the short term, you might think you’re crazy for signing yourself up for a task like this, but once you see the finished result, you’ll be wanting to give yourself a massive pat on the back that’s for sure.

For better or for worse

The truth is, you won’t know whether you’ve made your car worse if you don’t give detailing a try first. What’s the worst that could happen? Think of it this way, if you mess it up and actually did manage to cause more damage than good, that’s ok because there are plenty of professionals out there who could probably fix it up for you.

Or you could do your research before you let yourself loose on detailing your car and watch some free videos on YouTube of people giving away their best tips and tricks to you. For free as well, madness, isn’t it? Hey, who knows, you might find someone on there who could teach you a thing or two about products they use too and how to rectify a mistake. 

Let’s say you do make a mistake though, there’s no shame in asking for help from a professional to help you fix the problem. If you’re anything like us, then surely it’s better for someone to fix your car up than for you to risk it for a biscuit and risk damaging it further. 

Wrapping it up for you, we’re not saying don’t go to your favourite detailing service. What we are saying though is that there is 100% nothing wrong with giving this a bash yourself if you’re feeling confident enough. You might be worried about the cost side of things, but who isn’t these days. You’ll never know unless you take the plunge. Who knows, you might love it and never want to think about asking for help to detail again.